Sukkot RSVP -
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Sukkot RSVP

  • Sukkot at Chabad! We look forward to celebrating with you.  Sukkot begins on Wednesday Evening Octover 16, 2024 and culmainates with Simchat Torah, which flows directly into Shabbat Bereishit with Havdallah on Saturday NIght October 26th.  For our full schedule Sukkot  schedule, click here.  We will be hosting all Sukkot Festivities; Services, meals, our 35th Annual Sukkot Party, Hoshana Rabba All NIght Learn, Shmini Atzeret and Simchat Torah. 
    Our Sukkah will also be open, by reservation only, for you to come and shake the Lulav and Etrog throughout Sukkot. Schedule a time during the day on October 17, 18, 20, 21,22, 23  At Chabad we are truly one family, and look forward to celebrating the Chagim with you!  No Jew is turned away due to lack of financial ability.  If you need assistance attending our Sukkot Party due to monetary reasons or hardship, please call Chanie at 559-288-3048 

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