High Holiday Reservations - ChabadFresno.com
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High Holiday Reservations

  • The High Holidays begin with Rosh Hashanah and culminate 10 days later with Yom Kippur.  These days are known as The Ten Days of Repentance.  It is customary during this time to increase in Teshuva, Tefilla and Tzedakah
    Teshuva - Repentance: We try to increase in Good Deeds, Learning Torah with taking on extra Mitzvot.
    Tefillah - It is proper to add in our daily Prayers and in the recitation of Psalms. 
    Tzedakah - We also increase in giving Charity, as it says: Charity has the power to change our destiny to bring down G-d's unlimited blessings and shower us with His bountiful kindness and positive outcomes.  
    ותשובה ותפילה וצדקה מעבירין את רוע הגזרה "Repentance, Prayer and Tzedakah avert the severity of the decree."

    Rosh Hashanah, The New Year:  On this Day of Judgment we crown G-d, the King of the Universe and beseech Him to inscribe us in the Book of Life and to bless us and every living being for A Happy and Healthy Sweet New Year.

    Yom Kippur, The Day of Atonement: On this holiest day of the year, we fast and pray to G-d that He seal us in the Book of Life and bless us with revealed good in the upcoming year.

    We then continue with the happiest festivals of Sukkot and Simchat Torah, which begin on the eve on September 29th through Nightfall on October 8th.  We look forward to celebrating all these wonderful Chagim with you and your family.

    The success of our Shul and Chabad of the Central Valley's growth is thanks to you!  We thank you for your ongoing generosity, and appreciate your support.  Your partnership is vital and has helped us  prepare over 5,000 meals and Challah for many of our homebound and elderly, during this pandemic; lifting their spirits and bringing them friendship, joy, Chanie's gourmet food and great company.

  • 1. Your Information

  • 2. Prayer Reservations

  • 3. Children's Program

  • 3. Meal Reservations

  • If you would like to reserve for more people, please contact us.

  • 3. Optional Donation

  • We look forward to enjoying the High Holidays with you and your family at Chabad Fresno!
    There is no charge to join and participate in our prayers.  Consider a donation to help cover the costs of these, and the many other wonderful, vital programs that our Jewish Center offers to our wonderful community. Our Rosh Hashanah Community Dinners have a nominal fee. 
    High Holiday Sponsorships: Sponsor $1,800 | Co-Sponsor $1,000 | Kiddush Sponsor $540 | Friend $360
    Rosh Hashanah Eve Community Meal: $54/Adult/Night ٠ $36/Child/Night. RSVP required

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