Purim at Chabad Fresno 

Thursday Afternoon February 21 | Fast of Esther | Begins 5:39 AM
6:00 PM
| Mincha, Machazit HaShekel & Maariv, followed by BreakFast at 7:39 PM

Shabbat Morning February 23 | Minyan 10:00 AM | Parshat Zachor 11:00 AM | Kiddush to follow Services
It is a Mitzvah for every man, woman and child to hear the Torah portion of Parshat Zachor, remembering the Amalekites

Motzei Shabbat - Saturday Night February 23 | Evening Services 7:45 PM Leading straight into Megillah Reading 8:00 PM
Havdallah, Hamantashen, L'Chaims

Sunday February 247 | On Purim Day, We Do The 4 Mitzvot of Purim | 4:00 PM @ Chabad Fresno 
Megillah Reading, Pinata, Festive Purim Meal, Mishloach Manot, Matanot L'evyonim, Lchaims,
Shuk will be open to buy gifts and to create your very own Mishloach Manot!
RSVP | Suggested Donation $18/Person | $54/Family |  Partnerships: Purim Sponsor $1,800 | Megillah Sponsor $540 |
Purim Feast $360 | Hamantash Sponsor $180 | Gragger $100

Click here to RSVP