
Calendar Ad Form

  • Dear Friend, 

    Preparations are under way for the printing of our Jewish Art Calendar 5785..  Chabad of the Central Valley, based in Fresno California will be producing his attractive multi-color publication and mailing it to the Fresno Jewish Community and surrounding areas free of charge.  

    The calendar will include detailed information about upcoming holidays, educational messages, Shabbat and Holiday candle lighting times, and thematic Jewish artwork.The practical design also provides ample room for the recording of personal appointments and information, plus our many exciting and much anticipated programs offered throughout the year.

    The calendar will also feature opportunities for your family's special occasions, i.e. Bar/Bat Mitzvah, Yahrtzeits, birthdays, anniversaries, and graduations to be printed in it. 

    We believe this is n extraordinary advertising opportunity to market your business or services to the Jewish community.  Unlike newspaper ads, that are seen once and discarded, this business promotion will benefit you continuously, as it is proudly displayed in homes and offices throughout Fresno County the whole year round, thus endorsing optimum visibility.

    Please support the calendar campaign allowing us to distribute it widely, strengthening Jewish identity and community. 

    There are several ways you can support the calendar campaign: 
    1. Advertise your business – see below the various opportunities 
    2. Place your family's occasions on date of occurrence, i.e. birthdays, anniversaries and Yartzeits 
    3. Place a Greeting to the Community in extra boxes on calendar page. 

    We would appreciate submissions by September 9, 2024 as we hope to send out the calendars in time for the High Holidays! 

    Thank you for your participation and partnering with Chabad of the Central Valley | Chabad Fresno for a bright Jewish future, Your partnership and support is greatly appreciated!

    Warm Regards and our Best Wishes for a Shana Tova!

    Rabbi & Chanie Zirkind

  • Advertising Options

  • Please attach Ad/Greeting information in space below.

    Ad artwork should be sent in high resolution separately to [email protected]

  • Share your Birthday, Anniversary, Events, Yahrtzeit our Community Calendar

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